Guidelines for Article Writers
ISSN: 2454-1605
A Bi-Lingual Peer Reviewed Research Journal of
Chapra Bangaljhi Mahavidyalaya
Annual Journal of Social Science, Literature and Allied Areas

Guidelines to Authors for Submission of Articles
- Contributors are asked to submit their research articles in MS Word (Times New Roman for English and Unicode for Bengali).
- The submitted research article must be original and unpublished.
- Length of the Article must be between 3000 and 4000 words. Each article should be accompanied by an Abstract, Keywords and References.
- Abstract: Maximum 200 words.
- Keywords: Maximum 8 keywords.
- References: All references must be given in the following order.
- For Books:
Bhattacharjee, Binoy, (1980). Cultural Oscillation, Naya Prokash, p. 132.
মুরশিদ, গোলাম, (২০০৮), হাজার বছরের বাঙালী সংস্কৃতি, অবসর প্রকাশনা সংস্থা, পৃ. ১৪২।
- For Edited Books:
Chaudhuri, Sukanta, (1990). (Ed.). Calcutta: The Living City, Oxford University Press, p. 290.
সেন, পরীক্ষিত, (২০২০), (সম্পা.), বৃহৎ জীবন, গ্রন্থ বিপণি, পৃ. ১৫২।
- For Journals:
Paul, Anupam, (2021). Amader ATC, Jibboichitrya Suraksha Barta, 2nd Year, no. 1 & 2, pp. 3-5.
বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়, অমিয়কুমার, (১৩৭৮), দেখা হয় নাই, সাপ্তাহিক দেশ, ৩৯ বর্ষ, সংখ্যা ১৮, পৃ. ১৯ ।
- For Website Content: Accessed 5th July 2022
All references and notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the article (Superscript) and typed on a separate
sheet at the end.
- For all copyright materials the writer should seek and have the permission from appropriate authorities.
- Contributors must provide their affiliations, e-mail address and contact number along with their articles.
- Please send all correspondence to the Editorial Board, ATHENA,
- Corresponding author of each article will be provided a hard copy of the journal volume.